Youth Newsletter
An Interview with Jake Bier: Our New Springton Lake Church Youth Director
“For I decided to know nothing among you except Jesus Christ and him crucified.”
(1 Corinthians 2:2 ~ life verse)
A warm welcome to you, Jake – your wife, Ciara, and baby boy, Rowan.
Q: To help us get to know you a little will you share with us three highlights from your growing up years?
Jake: First, I was raised in a Christian home in New Jersey as the youngest of four with two brothers and a sister – all of whom are believers. Second, we were very involved in our Bible believing church that partnered with my parents to pray for us and disciple us in God’s Word. I was always in church – not just Sundays. Third, at the age of six – my older brother and sister explained to me that I needed to believe in Jesus and His sacrifice on the cross for me to forgive my sins. They encouraged me to accept Him as my Lord. I prayed with them that day as the Lord drew me to Him -- to believe and to receive Him into my heart and to follow Jesus.
Q: What was the #1 thing that made a significant impact on you in your own church youth group as a teen?
Jake: Growing up in a Christian home, church, Christian school did lead me into a time as a teen of feeling that I was just going through the motions in worship, and I was tuning out sermons and teaching -- as it all seemed so much of the same thing I had heard all my life. – But I had many mentors in high school – youth leaders and camp leaders – who challenged my faith with probing questions -- asking me such things as “Did you believe what you said you believed?” They were committed to me and cared about my walk with the Lord. That love in Christ made a significant, life-changing impact on me.
Q: Describe your sense of God’s call to youth ministry.
Jake: In my early years of Christian college at Clarks Summit University, I was growing in my understanding of Whom and why I believed. I was also growing more and more in my desire to minister to and disciple teens -- wanting to make a difference in their lives for the Lord. Through my time at Westminster Theological Seminary, I worked as the Youth Director at my home church for four years, and my call and God’s gifting to serve and disciple teens was then confirmed in my heart.
Q: What do you see as the most challenging aspect of working with today’s teens?
Jake: Teens today are exposed to a million voices – not just parents and church, but internet, phones, games, friends, teachers, our culture --. These worldly influences distract them from listening to and hearing the voice of the Lord. A relationship with Him is all that matters in life and all the deepest longings of the heart can only be satisfied in knowing Him. There is Truth and God’s call to trust and obey Him. I want to be another voice in their lives pointing our teens to Jesus telling them that He is “the Way – the Truth and the Life.”
Q: What is the greatest joy you have experienced working with teens so far? How might you draw on that “joy of the Lord” in your ministry here at Springton Lake Church?
Jake: By far my greatest joy in the Lord is seeing the “lights go on” for a teen who comes to truly believe in Jesus for the first time. I want to pray for and disciple that young person and watch the Holy Spirit fan that small flame into a blazing fire. I will begin with our church youth sharing my own testimony and getting to know them --not only as a group, but as individuals. I want to encourage them to be “lights in the world” wherever they are: at home, public school, Christian school or home school. -- Some may feel very alone in their school because of their faith, and I want to stand by them, pray for them and encourage them. As a group, we will be building together in our faith and friendship by prayer, Bible study, fun and fellowship – as well as seeking God for areas of service both in our church and in our community.
Thank you, Jake, for sharing with us. We are grateful the Lord has led you and your family to Springton Lake Church and we look forward to standing with you in your ministry here.
Things to Look Forward to in Youth Ministry: Fall Family Hayride on October 30th