Rest and Refresh ~ Freda Rawlings

I was sitting at my computer pondering the message that I would like to convey to women as we approach Summer.  In my research, I found an article “Rest for the Weary” by Paul Tripp.  Paul notes that there is a myriad of things in life that prevent us from resting well.  He states that real rest is found in the good news of the gospel:

“The gospel teaches me that the deepest rest of heart is not found in independent strength and ability. No, true, unshakable rest of heart is found in remembering and celebrating that God is able, and that he is with me, in me, and for me. I have hope not because I am independently capable, but because He has invaded my life with His presence, His power, His promises, and His grace.

God does in me, for me, and through me what I could never do in and of myself. He is strong when I am weak. He understands what confuses me. He is active when I am too exhausted to do anything. He is wise when I am foolish. He wins victories when I feel defeated. Nothing can stop His redeeming plan; nothing can thwart His holy will. In grace He unleashes His glory on me. He is my protection; He is my strength; He is my wisdom; He is my guide, and He is my rest.

When I shift my confidence in Him to myself, my rest of heart fades away. But when I remember Him and trust in Him, even though there is much I don’t understand and many places where I feel unable, my heart can still rest. Why? Because God exists, and He is my Father.”

May we spend this summer resting in the goodness of God -- giving Him thanks for who He is and what He has done, and for what He will do.  May this time of rest and refreshment restore and rejuvenate us for serving Him and His Kingdom. And every day let’s meditate on this truth – “HE is my rest.”




Summer is a time of refreshment for many of us. It is necessary to pull away from the hustle and bustle of fall, winter and spring – the busy seasons. Kids are out of school, families take vacations, and in general a mode of rest and relaxation takes place.  Even though this may be a time to pull back from many of the mundane activities of life, we must be aware that the enemy of our souls does not take vacation.  We must all stay girded in the armor of God, and guarded in our faith at all times.  To help us do this, there are a couple of Summer Bible Studies being offered:

Wednesday Mornings

  • Studying: Spiritual Warfare, Lifeguide Study (meets in Classroom 7)
    • 9 Week Course
    • Begins June 12th at 9:30am

Thursday Evenings (meets every Thursday in the Conference Room)

  • Studying: The Sermon on the Mount, Jen Wilkin
    • 8 Week Course
    • Begins June 13th at 7:00pm



The Senior Women’s Luncheon ~ May 29, 2024

Hearts and Hands in Harmony … An Exhortation to Worship

This annual event hosted by the Springton Lake Church Women’s Ministry is an open invitation to all of our senior ladies – as well as senior women who are family, neighbors and friends living in our surrounding community.  This year we were privileged to feature professional harpist soloist, Caitlin Mehrtens, who grew up in our church.  Her talented mother and church member, Kathy, joined her daughter playing the French horn on two of the classical, familiar hymns. All those who attended would agree wholeheartedly with me that the beautiful flowers, table settings, delicious luncheon (prepared by John Dixon and his team), the praise moments of Freda reading scripture and her prayers – and most of all -- the gentle, uplifting harp and horn music were all a taste, sight and sound of heaven here on earth. (Judith Lake)

Women's Lunch 1 Women's Lunch 2
Women's Lunch 3 Women's Lunch 4
Women's Lunch 6 Women's Lunch 7
Women's Lunch 5 Women's Lunch 8

