Sunday School Returns on September 8!
Sunday School for all ages resumes next Sunday. In addition to classes for children and youth, the following classes will be offered for adults:
The Book of Hebrews – Bill Clark in the Sanctuary
This class presents an in-depth exploration of the Epistle to the Hebrews which focuses on Jesus as the clearest, fullest, and ultimate revelation of God, and how that makes him worthy of our total trust and devotion. In addition to its famous Chapter 11 on the heroes of faith, Hebrews provides the framework for understanding how the Old and New Testaments present a single, consistent story of the plan of salvation. The goal of the class is for each participant to come away with a deeper understanding of what Jesus has done for us and what that means for us as we live our daily lives.
Marriage & Parenting (MAP) – team led by Mark & Shannon Schreiber in Conference Room
This year MAP focuses on marriage with a study of Tim & Kathy Keller’s The Meaning of Marriage. Challenging deeply entrenched cultural assumptions about marriage and romance, this helpful book shows how the gospel applies to the blessings and challenges of marriage. Come study together and be strengthened in community as we seek to put God and his calling at the center of our marriages.
Prayer – Pastor Rick in Room 7
Pastor Rick will lead a discussion on Richard Foster’s book, Prayer: Finding the Heart’s True Home. Every Christian struggles with prayer, yet knows it is important to connect with God. Foster’s book will guide the class to pray together by grace and find greater peace and joy in this critical Christian discipline.