News for 08.20.21
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Adult Sunday School

In our non-stop multimedia world, all of us are constantly bombarded with truth and lies about how to live. Where do we discern the truth from error? The Bible contains the answers and studying its truths together is a crucial component of the Christian faith. This fall SLPC is offering four adult classes:

Old Testament -- Room 7 (Youth Wing)

Tim Sprik and George Daly will resume the study of 1 Samuel where Bill Clark left off in the spring. This is a great opportunity to learn more about the life of David and see how all of Scripture looks forward to the coming of Jesus, the King of kings.

Marriage & Parenting -- Back Lawn

We will return to a focus on parenting this year using Family Discipleship: Leading Your Home Through Time, Moments, and Milestones by Matt Chandler and Adam Griffin. As the title indicates, the focus of the book is developing a discipleship plan for our families and provides good, practical handles for application. We'll have copies available on Sunday ($18, if able). The conversation will be facilitated by the Jues and Whites. This class is a great opportunity to encourage each other as we sort through the challenges of God’s call to disciple our children.

Christian Worldview & Today’s Issues -- Sanctuary

How do we think biblically about the things we see in the news, the conversations around the water cooler, and the clashes on social media? Using teaching by the late R.C. Sproul, this class will establish the foundation of a Christian worldview and then begin to examine the cultural issues confronting us today. Discussion led by Tom Gilbert and Dana Swieson.

New Members Class -- Pastor Rick's Office

Interested in becoming a member of our church? This six-week class begins on Sunday, September 26 in Pastor Rick’s Office at 9:00 a.m. If you are interested in attending or have questions, contact Pastor Rick by text at: 610-517-7005 or by email ( New members will be welcomed into the SLPC family during the worship service on Sunday, November 21st.

Children's Sunday School

Sunday school for children will start on September 12. Children aged 2- 5th grade will have programming and classes at both the 9:00 Sunday School time and the 10:15 service. There will also be nursery care available for babies under 2 years of age. More information will be sent home directly to parents. If you do not believe you are on the email list already, please contact Joni at