Join SLPC Children and Family Ministry as we partner with Operation Christmas Child again this year to reach boys and girls with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Grab a shoebox and a brochure in fellowship hall—and help the message of Christ cross the seas. Following the directions in the brochure, pick “boy” or “girl” and get shopping! Let’s touch the lives of God’s children in such a simple and wonderful way. Shoeboxes must be delivered from SLPC to a collection site so please bring your boxes back to church by Sunday, November 17 by 11:30 a.m. Please see Marta Matheny or Shellina Marshall with questions.
Get a standard size shoebox to pack for a boy or a girl, ages 2-14.
Select a quality "wow item” a toy such as a doll or a soccer ball with pump, or stuffed animal.
Fill with other fun toys, hygiene items, and school supplies. No food or liquid.
Most importantly, PRAY for the child that will receive your gift. Including a personal note and/or a photo can make a big impact.
Include a cash (no checks please) donation of $9. This is critical to cover shipping and other project costs. Give online through Follow Your Box and discover the destination of your shoebox.
Bring your shoebox gift to church during the week of November 17 – November 24!
Gift Ideas for girls:
Gift Ideas for Boys:
Items to avoid: