Regathering for Indoor Worship
Indoor Worship begins Sunday, November 15
On March 22 we provided our first video of the Sunday services. After four months of online worship we began to meet outside on July 12 in the park-like setting of our back porch and lawn area. But now with colder weather approaching we are ready to meet indoors!
As leaders we:
- Believe that COVID-19 still represents a significant public health threat and therefore must be taken very seriously.
- Sought the will of our Lord in the development of plans to keep the SLPC family safe.
- Consulted with physicians in our congregation who are medical experts.
- Received input from YOU by Zoom town hall meetings, church-wide surveys, and personal interaction.
Details and Protocols for Indoor Worship
- Two Indoor Services will be offered beginning November 15:
- Services are from 9:00am-10:00am and 11:00am-12:00pm
- Seatingfor both services is available in the Sanctuary (80 seats) and Fellowship Hall (40 seats)
- The Sunday Explorers Children's Program will be postponed until COVID-19 positivity numbers begin to recede in our area
- We welcome our families to worship with us! Spread out on a blanket with the activity bins in the Fellowship Hall and have the opportunity to worship with others without concern of causing distraction.
- Any families desiring to worship in the Sanctuary are welcomed to do so at either service!
- A Worship Service Reservation Form will be posted to the SLPC website on Tuesdays and included in the Friday email to help us plan for each service.
- The restrooms will be open for use and cleaned between services.
Overall Preventative and Precautionary Measures:
- Face masks: Everyone MUST wear a mask that covers the nose and mouth. If you forget, a mask will be provided. Children under the age of 2 are not required to wear a mask.
- Social Distancing: Both the Sanctuary and Fellowship Hall will be configured for social distancing. Seating will be guided by ushers to maintain distance between people.
- Size control: Online Worship Service Reservation will ensure a controlled number of attendees.
- Enhanced ventilation: All external and sanctuary doors will be propped open to aid ventilation. Our ventilation systems have been adjusted to increase the circulation of outdoor air as much as possible and updated with hospital-grade filters.
- Service safeguards: A plastic shield has been placed in front of the pulpit. A smaller worship team will be utilized and will be distanced from the congregation. The Order of Worship includes fewer worship songs and more special music to limit congregational singing. The service time will be limited to one hour.
- Cleaning: All seating areas (pews and chairs), commons spaces, bathrooms, and high touch areas will be cleaned before and in between services. Our cleaning staff provides for regular cleaning and disinfecting of all touched surfaces, such as doorknobs, tables, chairs, and restrooms every week and after each major event in the building.
- Hand sanitizer stations: Hand sanitizing stations will be available at multiple locations.
- Contact tracing: In the event a member of the SLPC family tests positive, we will follow the CDC and Chester County Health Department protocols to communicate with the congregation.
- From the parking lots you will be directed to enter by the Sanctuary or Fellowship Hall entrance, depending on your worship location.
- On the first Sunday of each month pre-filled communion cups with a wafer will be provided.
- The elevator will be made available for those in need of assistance.
- Activity Boxes for children, tailored to each family, will be available with your name on a separate table when you arrive.
- No staffed nursery for infants or toddlers will be available until further notice.
- Ushers will direct the seating of everyone to help maintain a safe distance.
Adjustments to the Worship Service:
- Because the ventilation systems will increase the circulation of outdoor air, the rooms may be cooler than normal – therefore dress warmly.
- Offering plates will be on the Usher Table in the Sanctuary and on a table in Fellowship Hall.
- The Order of Worship (with song lyrics) and This Week at SLPC will be included in the Springton Update emailed on Friday. Print at home or view online during the service on your phone or tablet.
- After the service, ushers will dismiss everyone, beginning with the back of the room.
- Families worshiping in the Sanctuary should place their Activity Boxes on the lobby table.
- Please take care to maintain social distancing as you depart – leaving promptly after the 9:00am service to provide parking for the 11:00am service.
- Until further notice there will be no Coffee Café after the services.
Reasons to continue worshiping online:
- The safety of our community depends on you – therefore if you or anyone you are exposed to is not feeling well, please stay home (Please click here for a list of Coronavirus symptoms according to the CDC).
- If you know you have been exposed to someone with confirmed or suspected COVID- 19 within the last 14 days, please stay home.
- If you are at increased risk of severe illness from COVID-19, including being an older adult or having certain underlying medical conditions, please prayerfully weigh the personal risk in attending our live services.
- If you are not ready to join us, that is okay. We understand and encourage you to participate by online worship at 11:00am.
Finally, all of us in the days ahead need to follow the encouragement of the Apostle Paul -
“Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer.” Romans 12:12