Holy Week 2024
March 24
On this day, Christians around the world remember the true King’s arrival to the holy city of Jerusalem. And as we look back to the last week of Jesus’s earthly ministry, we also look forward with anticipation to his promised return to the New Jerusalem that is to come!
March 29, 7:00 P.M.
One of the most important events on the Christian calendar, this somber service commemorates Jesus’s sacrifice on the cross for us. We will sing the great hymns of our faith, interspersed with readings from the four Gospels recounting the events surrounding the crucifixion. This is a special occasion to celebrate the Lord’s Supper, “For as often as you eat this bread and drink the cup, you proclaim the Lord’s death until he comes.”
Saturday, March 30 - 10:00 A.M.-11:00 A.M.
All children who are walking through 5th grade are invited to join us for our annual Easter Festival. Come for time together as families, games for the kids, a Bible lesson, and an egg hunt! We will stagger the start times of the egg hunt on the back lawn so that all children will be able to easily hunt for eggs. Bring your own basket or bag!
This is a rain or shine event. All outdoor activities will be moved indoors in the event of inclement weather.
Volunteers are needed to help hide eggs, send refreshments, set up the Fellowship Hall, and clean up after the event. You name it and we have a place for you to help!
Please reach out to Joni Mindrebo at jmindrebo@slpca.org for more information, or to volunteer to serve.
March 31
On Easter we celebrate that through Jesus’s resurrection, sin and death have been conquered! Even further, the power of the life to come breaks into this present age, so that all who are “in Christ” are part of the new creation. We’ll consider one of the amazing prophetic visions of new creation from the book of Ezekiel: because of the living water flowing from the temple the most desolate place– the Dead Sea– bursts into life! Jesus gives living water to restore all the dead places in our lives. Celebrate the hope of new creation by inviting friends and family to attend the Easter service.