DivorceCare Program Begins This Month
Going through a divorce is no fun. It can carry with it more emotional hurt than even the death of a spouse. Often friends and family have no idea how to help or even what to say. That's where the DivorceCare program comes in. DivorceCare is a thirteen-session video-based series in which leading Christian counselors and experts give insight into topics that are critical. Depression, anger, and finances are three of the several topics that get plenty of attention. But watching the videos and gaining the wisdom is just the beginning. DivorceCare groups give hurting people the chance to talk with others who know what they are going through. Often the DivorceCare groups become a family and the meeting becomes the highpoint of a hurting person's week.
We've seen those kinds of caring friendships develop in SLPC's DivorceCare groups. This month a thirteen-week program will be starting. If you or someone you know is hurting from separation or divorce consider joining us. You will be glad you did. Contact Kate Layman Gee, Dennis Gee, Pam Robinson, Patti Haraburda or Jennifer White. You can also email divorcecare@slpca.org.