Every Morning Mercies
The steadfast love of the LORD never ceases,
His mercies never come to an end;
They are new every morning;
Great is your faithfulness.
“The LORD is my portion,” says my soul,
“therefore I will hope in Him”.
(Lamentations 3:22-24)
Imagine a time in your life when you did not see how that big problem could ever be solved, or how you could possibly get out of that mess you were in. Then something unexpected happened, and you could not attribute that something to anything else other than to say – “It was a miracle!”
When Jeremiah wrote these verses, he and the people of Judah were deeply afflicted by God. They were experiencing God’s wrath due to their unfaithfulness. Things looked bleak for them -- to say the least --but Jeremiah remembered the steadfast love of the Lord. This type of love in Hebrew is called “hesed” which means “unlimited love -- a love that will never come to an end.” It is a relentless type of love. It is a loyal love extended to a disloyal people.
God’s mercies are new every morning, and never come to an end. Every day provides us with an opportunity to glorify the Lord and to thank Him. Every day we are able to see God’s blessings in the midst of the trials and the disappointments in our lives. The Lord is faithful and He will carry us. We can take Him at His Word.
The Lord is my portion. Just like when we are given a portion of our favorite dessert, that portion is meant to satisfy our longing for sweetness. In the same manner, God is meant to satisfy our soul’s longings for that deep, “hesed” love which is sufficient for us. Because God is an all-sufficient God, our hope is anchored in Him, and He fills us up with His Spirit to meet our needs. We receive that sweetness of His Presence in our ongoing prayers, spending time in His Word, and praising Him for our many blessings.
Sometimes when we are going through difficult problems -- maybe in a relationship with our spouse, or children, or a friend that may have hurt us deeply -- or maybe we are bogged down with financial worries-- it can be very easy to say --“God has forgotten about me”. This is when we need to go back in our minds and recall all the times God has been with us through past trials. We need to remember His steadfast love and his mercies in the midst of living in this broken world.
Prayer: “Lord, we praise You for Your steadfast love and mercies which are new every day for us. Thank You for Your faithfulness and kindness.”