Although we all wish we could hold this year’s Annual Meeting in-person so that we could fellowship and share a meal together, we must meet virtually in obedience to the authorities and as our demonstration of love and concern to one another. We have attempted to make this Sunday’s virtual meeting as similar to an in-person congregational meeting as practically possible, using the technology available. This includes promoting community and extending grace while conducting business, preserving transparency (no anonymity when speaking), allowing extra time for people to figure out how to use Zoom during the meeting, and providing information and instruction beforehand to set expectations and hopefully make the process easy and accessible for everyone.
Our Annual Meeting is open to both SLPC members and regular attendees. Even if you are not a member of SLPC yet, we invite you to attend the meeting so that you can observe how we elect the leaders in our church and hear about our plans for the coming year, including budgeting.
Members and regular attendees can find more info by clicking here.