News for 06.07.21
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The Annual Meeting of SLPC will be held on Sunday, June 13 - on the back lawn, right after worship. During this LIVE meeting:

  • The 2021-2022 Church Budget will be presented by our Treasurer Ed Mohoric.

  • We will meet Jake Bier (with Ciara and baby Rowan) our new Youth Director! During the meeting Jake will share his testimony and vision for youth ministry.

  • As mentioned above, you will hear Joni Mindrebo’s testimony and vision for children’s ministry.

  • Although some things are still in process, plans for a safe relaunch in September of our interpersonal ministries will be presented.

After the meeting please join us for a picnic! SLPC will provide drinks, but please plan to bring food for your family! Given the pandemic, we think it’s wisest to avoid shared foods for now. SLPC will provide a limited number of sandwiches for visitors and those who forget to bring food.

AND...enjoy free ice cream and water ice for everyone!

Church members can access our Agenda and Annual Report here.