This Sunday is the first Sunday in Advent – a season observed at SLPC as a time of expectant waiting and preparation for the celebration of Christmas.
Advent has a rich history. In the 2nd century as Christianity spread north into Europe, many of the pagan customs associated with the Winter Solstice were absorbed into Christian traditions. But as the church grew so did persecution - making it difficult to openly celebrate the birth of Jesus until the 3rd century when three events changed how believers were treated.
Later in the sixth century, to keep Jesus the focal point, Church leaders set aside four weeks before Christmas for believers to contemplate what the Messiah meant to every soul. They called it Advent, the Latin word for The Coming.
Our Advent theme this year will be: His Name Shall Be Called. Each Sunday we will examine one of the four names of the Messiah found in Isaiah 9:1-7. Names that describe a child that would become everything that we needed!
We will also sing our favorite carols – songs that call us back to contemplate what Isaiah the prophet foretold over 700 years before he came: “For to us a child is born, to us a son is given...” – Isaiah 9:6