Teaching and Telling the Next Generation to love and serve Jesus Christ
Becki Marshall

As I considered the Common Threads winter theme: ‘God’s Kingdom Work’ the names, faces and particular gifts of many SLPC women came to mind.  Over the last 10 years serving as Women’s Ministry Coordinator, I have enjoyed knowing and seeing the sacrificial witness of willing co-laborers blossom and grow into joyful community outreach.  Many leaders, teachers, hands, and feet have contributed to the contagious spirit of fruitful service to the church illustrating the Apostle Paul’s charge to believers:

“Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart…(for)…it is the Lord Jesus Christ you serve.” – Colossians 3:23,24 (NIV)

Therefore, I have designed this portion of the Women’s ‘square’ to share a sampling of some of these Kingdom workers that are teaching or supporting the generations under their influence to love and serve the Lord Jesus Christ with all their hearts.

Take a few moments to listen, look and learn from these excellent examples.


rachel and becki

Becki and Rachel Torrens share tea and some thoughtful discussion on Rachel’s Christ centered approach to parenting and leadership in homeschool education. Listen to this 30 minute podcast/interview to learn more from this mission-minded mom.

Click Here to Listen


SLPC 2023 Artful Women’s Marketplace

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Fellowship ‘Mall’ was filled with beautiful light, art, faces, and products to celebrate the season of giving and Advent. Over 16 local artists of all ages, authors and missions representatives showcased the skill and work of women and girls from our community and around the globe!


Renae Pieters admired Cedes Torrens’ watercolor paintings and floral arrangements before everything was sold!


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Alice Ho represented Eden Jewelry; a worthy ministry and support to young women in SE Asia.

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Judith Lake launched the sale of her first book with her fresh off-the-press 70’s memoir; her story of traveling the world and finding Christ.


Products, paintings, and a presentation by Temwa Wright generated over $2,000 to bless Pamoza International. The generosity of our SLPC women and girls will help continue the growth of the Tailoring Skills Center in the Zowe community.

With joy - as we walk together in Christ,


