Women's Ministry Focus
by Becki Marshall

Spring Forward Into the Season of Hope ~ by Becki Marshall

Spring is the season of hope!  As we change our clocks, our calendars and our clothing we hope for warmer weather, longer days to play outside and for new life to return to the earth.  Birds are nesting, flowers are blooming and plans are moving forward in anticipation that even our circumstances can be renewed.

The SLPC Women’s Ministry also looks forward to new opportunities for rebuilding fellowship, welcoming newcomers and growing in the wisdom of God’s Word.

As you anticipate the coming months take time now to mark your calendars for these upcoming events.  I hope to see you there as we “spring forward” into a new season of life in Christ and in the church.

“May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in Him so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.” – Romans 15:13



Women 2 women

Monday, March 28

Celebrate Spring with Flower Arranging

Although the date has passed, you can still participate. View Nancy McGuire’s fun and fanciful demonstration on flower arranging by clicking HERE to see a time lapse video of this evening of fellowship at SLPC.

*See you next time at W2W!

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Welcoming new women

Wednesday, April 27, 6:30 p.m.

Jean Ruggieri will host an informal evening in her home to welcome new women who have expressed interest in attending SLPC. If you would like an invitation to this gathering, please contact Jean Ruggieri by email: jeanruggieri@comcast.net. Our purpose is to make introductions and get acquainted as well as share information about how to get more involved in ministries offered at SLPC.



Women’s Weekend Retreat
at Harvey Cedars Bible Conference Center

April 28-May 1

Sponsored by New Life Glenside Church

You may not have heard, but our own Jennifer White (wife of Pastor David White) will be the featured speaker at New Life Glenside’s Women’s Weekend Conference in Harvey Cedars, New Jersey. Her talk is called Trust the Process: God’s Goodness in All Things.

Interested? Contact Elizabeth Hillig: elizabethhillig@gmail.com or 215-718-6368



Biblical Theology Workshop (BTW) with Nancy Guthrie

Saturday, May 7, 8:30-3:00 p.m. at SLPC

Men, Women, and Teens are Invited to Come

Would you like to know how to tell the BIG story of the Bible?

Do you need tips and resources to teach and trace the major themes from Genesis to Revelation?

Whether you are a seasoned Christian or just starting your journey of faith, you are invited to attend this all day, interactive video workshop taught by Nancy Guthrie.* SLPC will host an all-day video presentation of BTW on May 7, 2022. All adults are welcome.

The cost is $40.00 which includes a workbook, light breakfast, lunch, and suggested resources to guide your study. Search for God’s purposes and His plans that are woven through the pages of Scripture.

To register: Click HERE or pick up a prepared registration form from the usher table in the church sanctuary.

Questions? Contact Nancy Dalton: nfdalton848@gmail.com. Also, see the website and the SLPC Friday email for ongoing information.


NG pic b&w*Who is Nancy Guthrie?

Nancy Guthrie is a prolific author, speaker, Bible teacher and mentor, who loves mining the depths of God’s Word for treasures of wisdom.

Several years ago I went to a Women’s Event sponsored by one of our sister PCA Churches to hear Nancy speak on the topic: “When God Says No.” At the time I didn’t know much about her books, Bible Studies, or the staggering loss she and her husband, David experienced following the death of their infant daughter, Hope. In the re-telling of their story framed by the narrative of God’s revealed and permissive will found in Scripture, I went home that evening assured that God is sovereign and has planned to redeem all things through Christ.

holding onto hope ng In her first book, Holding Onto Hope, published in 2002, Nancy walk’s along-side fellow sufferers, guiding them gently…straight to the heart of God.

Today, over 12,000 churches nation-wide have used the Grief Share video series, co-hosted by David and Nancy. Also, since 2009 the Guthrie’s have opened their hearts and home to other couples who have lost a child, co-hosting Respite Retreats at their home in Nashville, TN several times a year.

btw poster Currently, Nancy is pursuing advance theology studies via Reformed Theological Seminary Global. In May she will lead her Biblical Theology Workshop for Women (BTW) in person in England and Ireland.

On a personal note, I encourage you to take advantage of any of Nancy’s resources, devotionals and Bible studies. Her authenticity as a woman, wife, mother, and fellow student of God’s Word will enrich your faith and offer much HOPE.

Recommended Books for you or your family include:

  • Through the Bible for Your Kids
  • Dinner Table Devotions
  • Even Better Than Eden

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common threads spring 2022